Temperature & Climate Test Cabinet
Climate cabinets are used to create specific and highly controlled temperature and humidity conditions to simulate real environmental conditions.
Climate cabinets are used to create specific and highly controlled temperature and humidity conditions to simulate real environmental conditions.
Type Series XTS / XKS (Modero)
The temperature and climatic chambers of the XTS / XKS series are compact testing systems and with a lot of equipments as standard.
Type Series TS / KS (Agilis)
The temperature and climatic chambers of the TS / KS series are compact test systems with a high level of performance.
Each system is put together individually based on your requirements from a modular system.
Type series TSM/KSM (Modular Kit)
Modular system – quick & easy customisation options for TSM or KSM to individual needs.
If needed, it is possible to increase the volume of the basic test room. Moreover, it is also feasible to make specific adaptations by adding extra attachments and extensions.